Myocarditis (can be fulminant)
Typically acute. Can be fulminate/fulminant and fatal (PMID 30242316). General review at PMID 28540649. Recent addition to the lst of causal drugs include immune checkpoint inhibitors (PMID 28833116, 29801747)
Causative drugs
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.g I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.g - Pulmonary fibrosis I.w I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.w - Rapidly progressive ILD/pulmonary fibrosis (Hamman-Rich syndrome) I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VI.d VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.d - Pulmonary vasculitis or capillaritis X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.e X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.e - Autoimmunity-Autoimmune conditions (+ANA, +anti-ds-DNA, +ANCAs, other auto-Abs) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.h X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.h - Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.ah X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ah - Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (typically ANCA pos.) - GPA flare X.ar X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ar - Relapse/flare/onset of Crohn's disease XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.q XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.q - Pericarditis (see also under XIIc) XII.br XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.br - Right ventricular thrombus/thrombosis XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL) XV.cs XV - Pathology
XV.cs - Path: Pleural granulomas XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.d XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.d - Pneumocystis jiroveci pulmonary colonization XVII.e XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.e - Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia XVII.f XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.f - Tuberculosis, miliary XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.h XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.h - Nontuberculous pulmonary mycobacterial infection/superinfection XVII.n XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.n - Legionella pneumophila pneumonia XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection XVII.q XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.q - Viral pneumonia XVII.r XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.r - Fungal infection (pulmonary/extrapulmonary) XVII.y XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.y - Cryptococcus pulmonary and/or systemic infection XVII.z XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.z - Histoplamosis (reactivation) XVII.ac XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.ac - Actinomycosis
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.g I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.g - Pulmonary fibrosis I.w I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.w - Rapidly progressive ILD/pulmonary fibrosis (Hamman-Rich syndrome) I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VI.d VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.d - Pulmonary vasculitis or capillaritis X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.e X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.e - Autoimmunity-Autoimmune conditions (+ANA, +anti-ds-DNA, +ANCAs, other auto-Abs) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.h X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.h - Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.ah X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ah - Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (typically ANCA pos.) - GPA flare X.ar X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ar - Relapse/flare/onset of Crohn's disease XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.q XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.q - Pericarditis (see also under XIIc) XII.br XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.br - Right ventricular thrombus/thrombosis XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL) XV.cs XV - Pathology
XV.cs - Path: Pleural granulomas XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.d XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.d - Pneumocystis jiroveci pulmonary colonization XVII.e XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.e - Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia XVII.f XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.f - Tuberculosis, miliary XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.h XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.h - Nontuberculous pulmonary mycobacterial infection/superinfection XVII.n XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.n - Legionella pneumophila pneumonia XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection XVII.q XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.q - Viral pneumonia XVII.r XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.r - Fungal infection (pulmonary/extrapulmonary) XVII.y XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.y - Cryptococcus pulmonary and/or systemic infection XVII.z XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.z - Histoplamosis (reactivation) XVII.ac XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.ac - Actinomycosis
Influenza vaccine
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma X.h X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.h - Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.x X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.x - Subclinical ANCA positivity XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XVI.w XVI - Imaging
XVI.w - Imaging: Lung nodule or nodules XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma X.h X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.h - Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.x X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.x - Subclinical ANCA positivity XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XVI.w XVI - Imaging
XVI.w - Imaging: Lung nodule or nodules XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia
Interleukin 2 (IL2)
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) X.c X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.c - Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.r X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.r - Fluid retention XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.ai XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ai - Cardiotoxicity
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) X.c X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.c - Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.r X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.r - Fluid retention XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.ai XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ai - Cardiotoxicity
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component I.v I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.v - Abnormal lung function/pulmonary physiology (PFTs) without necessarily imaging or clinical evidence II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VII.e VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.e - Granulomatous mediastinal lymphadenopathy IX.j IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.j - Phrenic nerve injury - Hemi- or bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome IX.ab IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.ab - Guillain-Barré (or GB-like) syndrome (w/wo ARF) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.e X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.e - Autoimmunity-Autoimmune conditions (+ANA, +anti-ds-DNA, +ANCAs, other auto-Abs) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.l X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.l - Systemic granulomatosis other than Xk X.o X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.o - Neutrophilic dermatosis (Pyoderma, Sweet syndrome) X.am X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.am - Immune-related adverse effect/toxicity XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.az XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.az - Fulminant myocarditis (See also under XIId) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.ci XV - Pathology
XV.ci - Path: Fibrinous pericarditis XVI.bh XVI - Imaging
XVI.bh - Imaging: F18-PET scan positive lympadenopathy XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component I.v I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.v - Abnormal lung function/pulmonary physiology (PFTs) without necessarily imaging or clinical evidence II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VII.e VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.e - Granulomatous mediastinal lymphadenopathy IX.j IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.j - Phrenic nerve injury - Hemi- or bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome IX.ab IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.ab - Guillain-Barré (or GB-like) syndrome (w/wo ARF) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.e X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.e - Autoimmunity-Autoimmune conditions (+ANA, +anti-ds-DNA, +ANCAs, other auto-Abs) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.l X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.l - Systemic granulomatosis other than Xk X.o X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.o - Neutrophilic dermatosis (Pyoderma, Sweet syndrome) X.am X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.am - Immune-related adverse effect/toxicity XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.az XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.az - Fulminant myocarditis (See also under XIId) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.ci XV - Pathology
XV.ci - Path: Fibrinous pericarditis XVI.bh XVI - Imaging
XVI.bh - Imaging: F18-PET scan positive lympadenopathy XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury IV.ag IV - Airway involvement
IV.ag - Bronchocentric granulomatosis X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.az X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.az - Hemophagocytic syndrome XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XV.cc XV - Pathology
XV.cc - Path: Eosinophilic myocarditis XV.cu XV - Pathology
XV.cu - Path: Bronchocentric granulomatosis XXIV.g XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.g - Veterinary: Cardiac arrhythmias
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury IV.ag IV - Airway involvement
IV.ag - Bronchocentric granulomatosis X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.az X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.az - Hemophagocytic syndrome XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XV.cc XV - Pathology
XV.cc - Path: Eosinophilic myocarditis XV.cu XV - Pathology
XV.cu - Path: Bronchocentric granulomatosis XXIV.g XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.g - Veterinary: Cardiac arrhythmias
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.h I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.h - Subclinical pulmonary infiltrates/ILD II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XVII.j XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.j - Mucormycosis (pulmonary, tracheobronchial or systemic) XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.h I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.h - Subclinical pulmonary infiltrates/ILD II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XVII.j XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.j - Mucormycosis (pulmonary, tracheobronchial or systemic) XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils
Lithium, lithium poisoning
II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury VIII.c VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.c - Upper airway obstruction other than angioedema or hematoma XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XII.x XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.x - Sinus arrest XII.ai XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ai - Cardiotoxicity
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury VIII.c VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.c - Upper airway obstruction other than angioedema or hematoma XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XII.x XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.x - Sinus arrest XII.ai XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ai - Cardiotoxicity
Marijuana, cannabis (haschish, hash, bang, dab)
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.j I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.j - Exogenous lipoid pneumonia (subacute, acute) I.n I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.n - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) I.t I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.t - Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, talcosis...) I.an I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.an - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis pattern I.ao I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.ao - Pulmonary infiltrates II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) V.f V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.f - Pneumothorax V.ab V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.ab - Pneumothorax, bilateral VII.h VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.h - Pneumomediastinum VIII.w VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.w - Uvulitis, uvular edema IX.d IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.d - Respiratory failure from ventilatory depression (due to neuromuscular blockade/paralysis) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.ac X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ac - Anti-GBM antibody disease (Goodpasture-like or flare of preexisting GS) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.m XI - Miscellaneous
XI.m - Pulmonary emphysema - Lung cysts or bullae XI.s XI - Miscellaneous
XI.s - Sniffing death - Death from inhalation of compound XI.av XI - Miscellaneous
XI.av - Deterioration of graft function in SOT recipients XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP) XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XII.w XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.w - Asystole XII.af XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.af - Coronary vasospasm - Vasospastic angina XII.ap XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ap - Coronary artery dissection XIII.a XIII - Neoplastic conditions
XIII.a - Lung cancer XV.k XV - Pathology
XV.k - Path: Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP-pattern) XV.n XV - Pathology
XV.n - Path: Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis pattern (PAP pattern) XV.p XV - Pathology
XV.p - Path: Exogenous lipoid pneumonia XV.q XV - Pathology
XV.q - Path: Foreign body deposits/granulomatous reaction XV.s XV - Pathology
XV.s - Path: Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, talcosis, talcoma) XV.v XV - Pathology
XV.v - Path: Micronodular organizing pneumonia/BOOP XVI.ai XVI - Imaging
XVI.ai - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.j I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.j - Exogenous lipoid pneumonia (subacute, acute) I.n I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.n - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) I.t I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.t - Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, talcosis...) I.an I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.an - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis pattern I.ao I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.ao - Pulmonary infiltrates II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) V.f V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.f - Pneumothorax V.ab V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.ab - Pneumothorax, bilateral VII.h VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.h - Pneumomediastinum VIII.w VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.w - Uvulitis, uvular edema IX.d IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.d - Respiratory failure from ventilatory depression (due to neuromuscular blockade/paralysis) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.ac X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ac - Anti-GBM antibody disease (Goodpasture-like or flare of preexisting GS) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.m XI - Miscellaneous
XI.m - Pulmonary emphysema - Lung cysts or bullae XI.s XI - Miscellaneous
XI.s - Sniffing death - Death from inhalation of compound XI.av XI - Miscellaneous
XI.av - Deterioration of graft function in SOT recipients XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP) XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XII.w XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.w - Asystole XII.af XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.af - Coronary vasospasm - Vasospastic angina XII.ap XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ap - Coronary artery dissection XIII.a XIII - Neoplastic conditions
XIII.a - Lung cancer XV.k XV - Pathology
XV.k - Path: Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP-pattern) XV.n XV - Pathology
XV.n - Path: Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis pattern (PAP pattern) XV.p XV - Pathology
XV.p - Path: Exogenous lipoid pneumonia XV.q XV - Pathology
XV.q - Path: Foreign body deposits/granulomatous reaction XV.s XV - Pathology
XV.s - Path: Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, talcosis, talcoma) XV.v XV - Pathology
XV.v - Path: Micronodular organizing pneumonia/BOOP XVI.ai XVI - Imaging
XVI.ai - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo
Mesalazine-Mesalamine-5-aminosalicylic acid-5-ASA
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic IV.c IV - Airway involvement
IV.c - Obliterative bronchiolitis (a pattern consistent with) (see also IVn, XVx) IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of) IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis IV.ad IV - Airway involvement
IV.ad - Large airway inflammation - Tracheitis (w/wo tissue eosinophilia) V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XII.n XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.n - Cardiovascular collapse - Cardiogenic shock - Hypotension XII.q XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.q - Pericarditis (see also under XIIc) XII.bf XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.bf - Myopericarditis (see under XIIc/d/g) XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XV.z XV - Pathology
XV.z - Path: Obliterative (constrictive) bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVn) XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVI.k XVI - Imaging
XVI.k - Imaging: An area or areas of consolidation XVI.ay XVI - Imaging
XVI.ay - Imaging: Asymmetrical, predominantly unilateral involvement XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic IV.c IV - Airway involvement
IV.c - Obliterative bronchiolitis (a pattern consistent with) (see also IVn, XVx) IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of) IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis IV.ad IV - Airway involvement
IV.ad - Large airway inflammation - Tracheitis (w/wo tissue eosinophilia) V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XII.n XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.n - Cardiovascular collapse - Cardiogenic shock - Hypotension XII.q XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.q - Pericarditis (see also under XIIc) XII.bf XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.bf - Myopericarditis (see under XIIc/d/g) XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XV.z XV - Pathology
XV.z - Path: Obliterative (constrictive) bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVn) XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVI.k XVI - Imaging
XVI.k - Imaging: An area or areas of consolidation XVI.ay XVI - Imaging
XVI.ay - Imaging: Asymmetrical, predominantly unilateral involvement XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) VII.b VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.b - Lymphadenopathy with reactive changes X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.y X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.y - Subclinical ANA positivity XI.c XI - Miscellaneous
XI.c - Pleuritic chest pain XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XIII.b XIII - Neoplastic conditions
XIII.b - Lymphoproliferative disease (pulmonary, endobronchial, endothoracic)
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) VII.b VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.b - Lymphadenopathy with reactive changes X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.y X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.y - Subclinical ANA positivity XI.c XI - Miscellaneous
XI.c - Pleuritic chest pain XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XIII.b XIII - Neoplastic conditions
XIII.b - Lymphoproliferative disease (pulmonary, endobronchial, endothoracic)
V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.c V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.c - Pleural thickening VII.d VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.d - Fibrosing mediastinitis XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.k XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.k - Constrictive pericarditis - Pericardial thickening
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.c V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.c - Pleural thickening VII.d VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.d - Fibrosing mediastinitis XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.k XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.k - Constrictive pericarditis - Pericardial thickening
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.k I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.k - Lung nodule or nodules I.l I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.l - Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (see alsoo under IIb and XVf) I.aj I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.aj - Shrinking lung syndrome II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.e X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.e - Autoimmunity-Autoimmune conditions (+ANA, +anti-ds-DNA, +ANCAs, other auto-Abs) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.o X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.o - Neutrophilic dermatosis (Pyoderma, Sweet syndrome) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.v X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.v - Systemic eosinophilic syndrome w/wo vasculitis (see also Xa) X.aj X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.aj - Polyarteritis nodosa-like condition XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.c XI - Miscellaneous
XI.c - Pleuritic chest pain XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.as XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.as - Giant cell myocarditis XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If) XV.ac XV - Pathology
XV.ac - Path: Pulmonary vasculitis other than capillaritis XV.ad XV - Pathology
XV.ad - Path: Eosinophilic vasculitis XV.af XV - Pathology
XV.af - Path: Granulomatous pulmonary vasculitis XV.cj XV - Pathology
XV.cj - Path: Brownish macrophages in airspaces (airways - alveoli) XVI.e XVI - Imaging
XVI.e - Imaging: Pulmonary opacities with a subpleural distribution XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.k I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.k - Lung nodule or nodules I.l I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.l - Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (see alsoo under IIb and XVf) I.aj I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.aj - Shrinking lung syndrome II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.e X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.e - Autoimmunity-Autoimmune conditions (+ANA, +anti-ds-DNA, +ANCAs, other auto-Abs) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.o X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.o - Neutrophilic dermatosis (Pyoderma, Sweet syndrome) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.v X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.v - Systemic eosinophilic syndrome w/wo vasculitis (see also Xa) X.aj X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.aj - Polyarteritis nodosa-like condition XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.c XI - Miscellaneous
XI.c - Pleuritic chest pain XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.as XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.as - Giant cell myocarditis XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If) XV.ac XV - Pathology
XV.ac - Path: Pulmonary vasculitis other than capillaritis XV.ad XV - Pathology
XV.ad - Path: Eosinophilic vasculitis XV.af XV - Pathology
XV.af - Path: Granulomatous pulmonary vasculitis XV.cj XV - Pathology
XV.cj - Path: Brownish macrophages in airspaces (airways - alveoli) XVI.e XVI - Imaging
XVI.e - Imaging: Pulmonary opacities with a subpleural distribution XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XV.ca XV - Pathology
XV.ca - Path: Myocarditis XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XV.ca XV - Pathology
XV.ca - Path: Myocarditis XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.f I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.f - Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP) I.h I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.h - Subclinical pulmonary infiltrates/ILD I.ad I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.ad - Radiation recall pneumonitis I.aj I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.aj - Shrinking lung syndrome II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic III.g III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.g - Bleeding/hemorrhage from/around preexisting lung tumor (Localized AH) III.j III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.j - Anti-GBM-related pneumorenal syndrome and DAH (Goodpasture) or flare of III.m III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.m - Coagulopathy IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma IV.c IV - Airway involvement
IV.c - Obliterative bronchiolitis (a pattern consistent with) (see also IVn, XVx) IV.n IV - Airway involvement
IV.n - Obstructive airway dysfunction (see also IVc, XVx) IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension VIII.t VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.t - Vocal cord paresis/paralysis IX.a IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.a - Diaphragm/inspiratory muscle weakness/paralysis (w/wo ARF) IX.d IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.d - Respiratory failure from ventilatory depression (due to neuromuscular blockade/paralysis) IX.h IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.h - Dyspnea, unexplained otherwise IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome IX.y IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.y - A flare or relapse of preexisting myasthenia gravis IX.ab IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.ab - Guillain-Barré (or GB-like) syndrome (w/wo ARF) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.u X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.u - Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS/MOF) X.ac X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ac - Anti-GBM antibody disease (Goodpasture-like or flare of preexisting GS) X.ay X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ay - Polymyalgia rheumatica XI.i XI - Miscellaneous
XI.i - Esophageal toxicity XI.av XI - Miscellaneous
XI.av - Deterioration of graft function in SOT recipients XI.ax XI - Miscellaneous
XI.ax - Esophageal stenosis/stricture XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.n XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.n - Cardiovascular collapse - Cardiogenic shock - Hypotension XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XII.ai XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ai - Cardiotoxicity XII.ax XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ax - Necrotizing myocarditis (w/o evidence for CAD) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If) XV.g XV - Pathology
XV.g - Path: Alveolar hemorrhage (see also IIIa) XV.x XV - Pathology
XV.x - Path: Acute/subacute bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVi) XV.bb XV - Pathology
XV.bb - Path: Airway inflammation XV.cv XV - Pathology
XV.cv - Path: Peribronchiolar granulomas XVI.i XVI - Imaging
XVI.i - Imaging: An area or areas of involvement with a recognizable anatomic distribution XVI.v XVI - Imaging
XVI.v - Imaging: Centrilobular micronodules (can be diffuse) XVI.w XVI - Imaging
XVI.w - Imaging: Lung nodule or nodules XVI.ab XVI - Imaging
XVI.ab - Imaging: Cavitating/cavitary lung nodule, mass or nodules (see also Iq, XIs, XIIi, XVIaa and XVIIp) XVI.af XVI - Imaging
XVI.af - Imaging: Lung cysts or bullae (see also XVI ah/bf) XVI.ai XVI - Imaging
XVI.ai - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.aj XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.aj - Bordetella bronchiseptica pulmonary infection XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) I.f I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.f - Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP) I.h I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.h - Subclinical pulmonary infiltrates/ILD I.ad I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.ad - Radiation recall pneumonitis I.aj I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.aj - Shrinking lung syndrome II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic III.g III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.g - Bleeding/hemorrhage from/around preexisting lung tumor (Localized AH) III.j III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.j - Anti-GBM-related pneumorenal syndrome and DAH (Goodpasture) or flare of III.m III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.m - Coagulopathy IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma IV.c IV - Airway involvement
IV.c - Obliterative bronchiolitis (a pattern consistent with) (see also IVn, XVx) IV.n IV - Airway involvement
IV.n - Obstructive airway dysfunction (see also IVc, XVx) IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension VIII.t VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.t - Vocal cord paresis/paralysis IX.a IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.a - Diaphragm/inspiratory muscle weakness/paralysis (w/wo ARF) IX.d IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.d - Respiratory failure from ventilatory depression (due to neuromuscular blockade/paralysis) IX.h IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.h - Dyspnea, unexplained otherwise IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome IX.y IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.y - A flare or relapse of preexisting myasthenia gravis IX.ab IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.ab - Guillain-Barré (or GB-like) syndrome (w/wo ARF) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.u X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.u - Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS/MOF) X.ac X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ac - Anti-GBM antibody disease (Goodpasture-like or flare of preexisting GS) X.ay X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ay - Polymyalgia rheumatica XI.i XI - Miscellaneous
XI.i - Esophageal toxicity XI.av XI - Miscellaneous
XI.av - Deterioration of graft function in SOT recipients XI.ax XI - Miscellaneous
XI.ax - Esophageal stenosis/stricture XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.n XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.n - Cardiovascular collapse - Cardiogenic shock - Hypotension XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XII.ai XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ai - Cardiotoxicity XII.ax XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ax - Necrotizing myocarditis (w/o evidence for CAD) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If) XV.g XV - Pathology
XV.g - Path: Alveolar hemorrhage (see also IIIa) XV.x XV - Pathology
XV.x - Path: Acute/subacute bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVi) XV.bb XV - Pathology
XV.bb - Path: Airway inflammation XV.cv XV - Pathology
XV.cv - Path: Peribronchiolar granulomas XVI.i XVI - Imaging
XVI.i - Imaging: An area or areas of involvement with a recognizable anatomic distribution XVI.v XVI - Imaging
XVI.v - Imaging: Centrilobular micronodules (can be diffuse) XVI.w XVI - Imaging
XVI.w - Imaging: Lung nodule or nodules XVI.ab XVI - Imaging
XVI.ab - Imaging: Cavitating/cavitary lung nodule, mass or nodules (see also Iq, XIs, XIIi, XVIaa and XVIIp) XVI.af XVI - Imaging
XVI.af - Imaging: Lung cysts or bullae (see also XVI ah/bf) XVI.ai XVI - Imaging
XVI.ai - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.aj XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.aj - Bordetella bronchiseptica pulmonary infection XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.f I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.f - Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component I.o I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.o - Focal/localized area of pneumonitis/fibrosis I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis I.ad I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.ad - Radiation recall pneumonitis II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.h III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.h - Major/massive hemoptysis III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of) IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis IV.n IV - Airway involvement
IV.n - Obstructive airway dysfunction (see also IVc, XVx) IV.t IV - Airway involvement
IV.t - Sptutum production - Bronchorrhea - 'Bronchitis' IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) IV.ac IV - Airway involvement
IV.ac - Exacerbation or deterioration of preexisting asthma IV.ad IV - Airway involvement
IV.ad - Large airway inflammation - Tracheitis (w/wo tissue eosinophilia) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic) VII.e VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.e - Granulomatous mediastinal lymphadenopathy VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma) VIII.t VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.t - Vocal cord paresis/paralysis IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.c X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.c - Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.ah X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ah - Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (typically ANCA pos.) - GPA flare X.an X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.an - Cytokine release syndrome - Cytokine storm X.aw X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.aw - Connective tissue disease X.ax X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ax - Scleroderma X.ay X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ay - Polymyalgia rheumatica XI.d XI - Miscellaneous
XI.d - Metabolic acidosis (incl. lactic acidosis/-gap). May cause hyperpnea/dyspnea XI.n XI - Miscellaneous
XI.n - Neutropenia, agranulocytosis (w/wo infection/sepsis) XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL) XV.x XV - Pathology
XV.x - Path: Acute/subacute bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVi) XV.bb XV - Pathology
XV.bb - Path: Airway inflammation XV.cw XV - Pathology
XV.cw - Path: Myocardial vasculitis XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVI.e XVI - Imaging
XVI.e - Imaging: Pulmonary opacities with a subpleural distribution XVI.k XVI - Imaging
XVI.k - Imaging: An area or areas of consolidation XVI.v XVI - Imaging
XVI.v - Imaging: Centrilobular micronodules (can be diffuse) XVI.z XVI - Imaging
XVI.z - Imaging: A large nodule or a mass XVI.ai XVI - Imaging
XVI.ai - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.f I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.f - Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP) I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component I.o I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.o - Focal/localized area of pneumonitis/fibrosis I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis I.ad I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.ad - Radiation recall pneumonitis II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.h III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.h - Major/massive hemoptysis III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of) IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis IV.n IV - Airway involvement
IV.n - Obstructive airway dysfunction (see also IVc, XVx) IV.t IV - Airway involvement
IV.t - Sptutum production - Bronchorrhea - 'Bronchitis' IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) IV.ac IV - Airway involvement
IV.ac - Exacerbation or deterioration of preexisting asthma IV.ad IV - Airway involvement
IV.ad - Large airway inflammation - Tracheitis (w/wo tissue eosinophilia) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic) VII.e VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.e - Granulomatous mediastinal lymphadenopathy VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma) VIII.t VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.t - Vocal cord paresis/paralysis IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.c X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.c - Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.ah X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ah - Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (typically ANCA pos.) - GPA flare X.an X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.an - Cytokine release syndrome - Cytokine storm X.aw X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.aw - Connective tissue disease X.ax X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ax - Scleroderma X.ay X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ay - Polymyalgia rheumatica XI.d XI - Miscellaneous
XI.d - Metabolic acidosis (incl. lactic acidosis/-gap). May cause hyperpnea/dyspnea XI.n XI - Miscellaneous
XI.n - Neutropenia, agranulocytosis (w/wo infection/sepsis) XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-) XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib) XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic) XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL) XV.x XV - Pathology
XV.x - Path: Acute/subacute bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVi) XV.bb XV - Pathology
XV.bb - Path: Airway inflammation XV.cw XV - Pathology
XV.cw - Path: Myocardial vasculitis XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVI.e XVI - Imaging
XVI.e - Imaging: Pulmonary opacities with a subpleural distribution XVI.k XVI - Imaging
XVI.k - Imaging: An area or areas of consolidation XVI.v XVI - Imaging
XVI.v - Imaging: Centrilobular micronodules (can be diffuse) XVI.z XVI - Imaging
XVI.z - Imaging: A large nodule or a mass XVI.ai XVI - Imaging
XVI.ai - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils
Sulfamides - Sulfonamides
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.u II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.u - Acute respiratory failure (e.g. from ARDS, ILD, PIE, OP, pulmonary edema or bronchospasm) requiring ECMO V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) VI.d VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.d - Pulmonary vasculitis or capillaritis X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XIV.a XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.a - Methemoglobinemia XIV.b XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.b - Sulfhemoglobinemia XV.g XV - Pathology
XV.g - Path: Alveolar hemorrhage (see also IIIa) XV.ac XV - Pathology
XV.ac - Path: Pulmonary vasculitis other than capillaritis XXIV.a XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.a - Veterinary: Pneumonitis - Interstitial lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.u II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.u - Acute respiratory failure (e.g. from ARDS, ILD, PIE, OP, pulmonary edema or bronchospasm) requiring ECMO V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) VI.d VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.d - Pulmonary vasculitis or capillaritis X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XIV.a XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.a - Methemoglobinemia XIV.b XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.b - Sulfhemoglobinemia XV.g XV - Pathology
XV.g - Path: Alveolar hemorrhage (see also IIIa) XV.ac XV - Pathology
XV.ac - Path: Pulmonary vasculitis other than capillaritis XXIV.a XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.a - Veterinary: Pneumonitis - Interstitial lung disease
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.g I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.g - Pulmonary fibrosis I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VI.d VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.d - Pulmonary vasculitis or capillaritis VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.u X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.u - Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS/MOF) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.c XI - Miscellaneous
XI.c - Pleuritic chest pain XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XIV.a XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.a - Methemoglobinemia XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL) XV.k XV - Pathology
XV.k - Path: Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP-pattern) XV.ac XV - Pathology
XV.ac - Path: Pulmonary vasculitis other than capillaritis XVII.w XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.w - Hypogammaglobulinemia - Antibody deficiency XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.g I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.g - Pulmonary fibrosis I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus) V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative) VI.d VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.d - Pulmonary vasculitis or capillaritis VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic) X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X.u X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.u - Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS/MOF) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.c XI - Miscellaneous
XI.c - Pleuritic chest pain XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XIV.a XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.a - Methemoglobinemia XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im) XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL) XV.k XV - Pathology
XV.k - Path: Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP-pattern) XV.ac XV - Pathology
XV.ac - Path: Pulmonary vasculitis other than capillaritis XVII.w XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.w - Hypogammaglobulinemia - Antibody deficiency XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils
Thyroid hormones (exogenous)
II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension XI.r XI - Miscellaneous
XI.r - Death following exposure or poisoning XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic) XII.al XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.al - Hyperkinetic circulation
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension XI.r XI - Miscellaneous
XI.r - Death following exposure or poisoning XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic) XII.al XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.al - Hyperkinetic circulation
II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP) XII.m XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.m - Cardiac- cardiorespiratory/pulmonary arrest
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP) XII.m XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.m - Cardiac- cardiorespiratory/pulmonary arrest
Vaccination - Immunization
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative) XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant) XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing